One out of every four children inside Israel is Moslem. The annual Arab-Israeli population growth rate is 3.4% while that of the Jewish-Israelis but 1.4%. Do the math and you will see a demographic catastrophe just over the horizon!
A population transfer cannot be avoided if Israel is to remain a democratic JEWISH State! The Israeli Arab birthrate is the fourth highest in the entire world (larger than India!). Every demographer admits that the higher birth rate of the Israeli Arabs (doubling their numbers every 18 years) as opposed to that of the Jews (doubling their population every 45 years) will lead to an absolute Arab Israeli majority within the next 20 years! This will happen even if Israel continues to take in thousands more Soviet Jews! We are talking about Israel's Arabs... NOT the Palestinian Arabs in the so-called "occupied" territories of Judea/Samaria [a.k.a. "West Bank"] and Gaza!!!
When the Israeli Arabs become the majority (and they certainly will unless pre-emptive measures are taken), they will "democratically" vote out Israel and vote in "Arab Palestine #2" or blend with Arab Palestine #1 (Jordan). Either the Jewish People will transfer the Arab out of the Land of Israel or they will soon end up transferring the Land of Israel to the Arabs! After all, in a "democracy"... majority rules.
Among the Arabs within Israel are the Druze and Bedouin minorities, many of whom ARE loyal to Israel and are even drafted into the Israel Defense Forces along with their Jewish counterparts. These "good Arabs" HAVE earned the right to live within the State of Israel!
Every democratic country adopts democracy in a form suited to its particular needs. The reality of the Middle East is that there are 22 Arab countries most of which treat the Jew within their borders like dirt. Some won't even let a Jew set foot on their soil. In the others he is not an equal. All of them are Islamic States by law and the non-Muslim who wants to be left alone is expected to live quietly and know his place. There is only one Jewish State and it has absolutely NO obligation whatsoever to commit national suicide in order to give their Arabs citizens those rights which the Arab would NEVER grant (nor HAVE ever granted) the Jew if the shoe were on the other foot! Besides, there is not even one truly democratic state in the Arab world! So let them put THEIR own houses in order before they lecture Israel on the principles of democracy!
In a genuinely "JEWISH State," how can an Arab be an equal when that State has an Independence Day celebrating his defeat. Its flag isn't that of its people. He isn't trusted to serve in the army. His cousin born in Haifa and fled during the 1948 War of Independence cannot return... yet any Jew who never lived there before is welcomed with open arms. In short, Israel is his enemy's country, not his. So how can an Arab truly be a loyal citizen in a Jewish State? Simply, they cannot... and they must go!
Masada 2000
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