Brought forth from the desert
The dream of the faithful
In exile no more
Now imperiled
Surrounded by hatred
Betrayed and outnumbered
And forced into war
For all who love freedom
It's time to show
That we stand with Israel
In its lonely battle for liberty
And its right to defend its people
And its land
We stand with israel
A great evil
Has risen among us
A poison that's spreading
Too fast and too far
There's no refuge
We have to defeat it
Or soon it will find us
wherever we are
Out there on the front line
They need to know
That we stand with Israel
In its brave resistance to tyranny
And its right to defend its people
And its land
We stand with Israel
Sderot and Haifa
Their fight is our fight
Beslan and Bali
Their fight is our fight
Darful and Moscow
Their fight is our fight
Mumbai and Delhi
Their fight is our fight
Rishon Lezion
Their fight is our fight
Davao and Kenya
Their fight is our fight
Hat Yai and Baghdad
Their fight is our fight
New York and London
Their fight is our fight
Stand with Israel
In its lonely battle for liberty
And its right to defend its people
And its land
We stand with Israel
In its quest for peace and security
And its right to defend its people
And its land
We stand with Israel

The Energy War Between U.S.A. and Russia and the Threat to Israel Survival