Apartheid in South Africa was based on color separation. It was the whites (the “Europeans”) versus the “non-Europeans” (Blacks, Coloreds [mixed race], Indians Malays and Chinese). All suffered from the legalized deprivation decreed by a South African government determined to impose white domination on the rest.
It is manifestly clear that Israel has no color problem of any kind.
Israel including Jews, Circassian, Druze, Kurds, Armenians, Beduin and other non- Jewish citizens of the Jewish State, enjoy equal rights. Many Druze and Beduin serve in Israel’s army.
The apartheid lie attached to Israel is one of several concocted by Palestinians to publicize their cause. Readers and viewers are led by the nose because lies are so effective in promoting their policies – the bigger the better. Nevertheless the apartheid concept is totally inapplicable to Israel as the following refutations abundantly make clear:
South Africa:
1. Blacks, Coloreds, Indians, Malays and Chinese were legally classified as “Non- Europeans” and did not have the vote in apartheid South Africa. Neither in Municipal, Provincial nor Government elections.
Israel’s Arab citizens, some 20% of the population, have always enjoyed equal voting rights. Eleven Arabs sit in Israel’s Knesset.
South Africa:
2. Non-Europeans exclusively had to carry a “Pass Book”. (Identity books were introduced for Europeans round about 1976.) Employers had to sign the pass books monthly. Pass book infringements by blacks led to jail sentences and often to deportation to the black homelands.
All citizens and legal residents of Israel carry an identity card as required by law.
South Africa:
3. Job Reservation laws kept non-Europeans from a wide range of jobs.
No discrimination of this kind has ever existed in Israel’s democratic Jewish State. Moreover, any company which refuses to give job to Arab, will be on trial in the law court.
South Africa:
4. There was free education for whites till matriculation. Not so for blacks whose educational prowess was strictly limited by an oppressive Bantu EducationAct.
All school going children in Israel are entitled to publicly subsidized education till matriculation. No racial distinctions whatever are made, Arabs and Jews studies at the same classes.
South Africa:
5. Only one university was established for Blacks in South Africa, at Fort Hare.
In addition to several Arab universities which Israel established in the predominantly Arab areas, Arab students may study at any university in Israel.
South Africa:
6. Black-white sex was a serious jail time crime. Sex detectives were even employed to catch offending parties in flagrante delicto .
Legal sex apartheid in democratic Israel? You must be joking! There are so many mixed couples of Arab & Jews
South Africa:
7. Medical services for non-Europeans were both restricted and segregated.
Arab citizens are members of all the major Medical Service Organizations and benefit equally from government subsidized medical services.
South Africa:
8. Hospitals were largely segregated or had segregated wards. Black hospitals were under funded, under staffed, and few. A "white" ambulance could not take a black to hospital.
Not the Israeli way. Israeli Arabs get the full treatment in all State hospitals.
South Africa:
9. Non-Europeans “could not be employed in any of the skilled trades; they cannot become engineers, accountants or pharmacists. They may not use the libraries, cinemas, public transport, public conveniences, post offices, etc.
No such thing in Israel. All Israel citizens are able to work in any profession they choose.
South Africa:
10. For many decades blacks had to observe a 9 p.m. curfew or face arrest, jail sentences and deportation.
Absolutely unheard of in democratic Israel.
South Africa:
11. No mixed sport was allowed – by law.
No such law ever in democratic Israel. In fact, Arabs football players, such as, Zahi Armeli (Maccabi Haifa), Rifat Turk, Walid Baddir and Salim Tuama (ha'Poel Tel Aviv and Israel National Team), Najuan Grayev (Maccabi Haifa, ha'Poel Tel Aviv, Israel National Team), Abas Suan (Bnei Sakhnin), Biram Khial (Maccabi Haifa, Celtic - Scotland), Muhammad Gadir (Maccabi Haifa) played or still playing in Israeli football team or in Israel National Team. Arab football teams such as ha'Poel Taybe was in the Israeli Premier League, and Bnei Sakhnin is still playing in the Israeli Premier League.
South Africa:
12. Parks and recreational areas provided benches for people to rest. Benches were painted with “Europeans Only” signs.
No such law ever in democratic Israel.
South Africa:
13.Non-Europeans were not permitted to use the main entrance to buildings. They had to use the “tradesmen’s” entrance at back.
An unheard of apartheid stricture in democratic Israel.
South Africa:
14. Libraries, public swimming pools and beaches were racially segregated. Even so there were practically no black pools or libraries.
No such segregation in democratic Israel.
Anyway, the list is still long.
The way the Arabs use “Israeli apartheid” one might think they were protesting because Israel does not permit Arabs in their midst.
The opposite is the reality.
Many Jews who has strayed into an Arab city, or taken a chance on doing business there, has been cruelly murdered.
The Arabs speak as though the wall as covers the full length of Israel’s anti- terrorist barrier. The unpalatable fact is that it does not. The barrier is 96% fence and 4% wall. Walls are only erected to prevent terrorist sharp shooters targeting Israelis living opposite built–up Arab areas. The so called "Palestinians" (until 1948, "Palestinian" was a name referring also to Jews in "Palestine") wanted their own country? So why Israel can not secure her borders with fence as any country around the world does, including Arab countries? Is there any double standard of the world regarding Israel? OH YEAH!

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