External Videos
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Israel | Judaism & Jerusalem |
Israel: Defying All Odds (2 min')
Only 62 years old, 7 million people strong, and smaller in size than New Jersey, surrounded by enemies. | Who Owns Jerusalem (46 min')
One of the world's leading experts on Jerusalem, Dr. Jaques Gautier discusses his twenty-five years of study on the subject. |
Israel - Birth of a Nation (90 min')
A documentary on the founding of Israel in 1948. | The Jews (7 min')
The Jews (Yehudim), also known as the Jewish people, are a nation originating in the Israelites or Hebrews. |
History of Mossad (55 min')
A brief history of Mossad's formation, operations, and more. | Gog U-Magog (48 min') |
IDF Around the World (6 min')
Ever when disaster occur Israel responds with rescue and emergency teams. | The Zero Hour (55:50 min')
IDF's Special Forces (45 min')
Israel has 40 Special Forces units! Great movie that expose few of them and their weaponry | The Gifts of the Jews (56:00 min')
With the destruction of the Temple, the Romans have destroyed the only place on earth, according to Biblical Law, where Jews can worship God. |
Israel's Air Force (55 min')
Great doc' movie of the Israeli Air Force from its born in 1948. | The End Of The World Prophecy (1:38:50)
FutureWeapons - Israel Special - Part 1 (45 min')
FutureWeapons travels to the Middle East to uncover the cutting-edge weapons under design for the Israeli Defense Forces. | Jewish Documentary - The Dawn of the Century (1:07:09)
Faith and Fate is a documentary telling the story of the Jews in the 20th Century. |
FutureWeapons - Israel Special - Part 2 (36 min')
FutureWeapons returns to the Middle East for more of the latest weapons being designed by the Israeli armed forces. | Column 2 |
Top Elite World Cops - Israeli YAMAM (34:17 min')
Israeli YAMAM Wins International Counter-Terror Competition at 2010 In a highly under-reported win, Israel’s Police Counter-Terror force. | Column 2 |
IDF Operation in Lebanon (25:27 min')
| Column 2 |
Israel Air Force - Dogfights Of The Middle East (45:06)
The Israeli Air Force soars into combat over the tombs of the Pharaohs in the 1967 Six Day War. | Column 2 |
Israel Air Force Dogfights - Desert Aces (44:58)
In order to survive, Israel puts ahead of itself an unconditional goal of ruling the skies in every war. Only the very best are picked to be pilots in the Israeli Air Force. | Column 2 |
(58:24) כשלקחו את גלעד
לראשונה בסרט מרגש ומטלטל חוזר אמנון לוי לנקודה בה התרחש הקרב הגורלי בו נפל גלעד שליט בשבי | Column 2 |
Israel - A Journey Through Time (4:29:34)
Join host, Rev. Dr. John Tweedie in the Holy Land as he opens his Bible to explore Israel - past, present and prophetic. | Column 2 |
History Channel Battlefield Detectives - Israel's Six Day War
History Channel's Battlefield Detectives series explores a 1967 conflict between Israeli army and the combined forces of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq. | Column 2 |
Greatest Tank Battles - The Six Day War: Battle for the Sinai (44 min')
This is the story of one of the swiftest and most dramatic victories in modern warfare. | Column 2 |
Column 1 | Column 2 |
Column 1 | Column 2 |
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