Israel’s Massive Natural Gas Reserve Discoveries Draw Enemy Eyes
Lebanon going according to the old method, that by which were determined in the past most of the sea bounds : Take the point in which situated the border, and appoints stretch a straight line towards one. If one state situated conscience is second, and the coastline passes, generally speaking, conscience to the south, stretch a line that stands to him, i.e., westernizes to the east, and this is the border. According to this method, everything that situated conscience to the head pecked your Shais to Lebanon, and only what belongs from south to the head pecked your Shais to Israel. This is the Lebanese assertion.
Israel, in contrast, bases on method more modern, that acceptable in the current discussions between states on lines of the border are sea. This also the method that by which we will set the sea border between Israel and Jordan and Egypt, and also between Turkey and Syria in their peace agreement in2005. According to this method, the borderline needs to be stands to the exact route of the beach. Inasmuch as that our beach is stretched from southwest to the north east, also in Israel and also in Lebanon, as you know/but that the sea border need to be stretched in the stands him, i.e., in advance pecked north westward.
When stretch the sea border in advance pecked north westward until half of the way to Cyprus, arrive at the water that situated many northward to the head pecked, and even northward to Metulla. This is the base to the assertion that the directories of the gas, that part of them situated westward to Lebanon and not westward to Israel, belong to our economic water.
I.e. : If base on the norms more the up to date, as we know, Israel is right.
Future War?
Tamar & Leviathan
The last 2 years have seen blessings bestowed on the State of Israel with the discovery of massive natural gas fields in the Eastern Mediterranean by Texas based Noble Energy & Israeli consortiums. Discoveries within arms reach of the Israeli coast and within our territorial waters. In 2009 the Tamar Israel discovery rippled across energy markets, Tamar discoveries can power 50% of Israel’s energy needs for the next 4 decades.
Now in 2010 a new unbelievably larger reserve named Leviathan may yield massive amounts of natural gas, estimated at possibly twice the size of Tamar! If Leviathan yields, it can transform Israel into a global energy exporter.
The Leviathan natural-gas site off the Haifa shore could be twice the size of the Tamar prospect, the largest gas discovery globally in 2009, and position Israel as a gas exporter in coming years. Today is a day of celebration for all of us. The State of Israel is an energy independent country.
Lebanon & Its Embarrassing, Ugly Islamic Step Child – Hezbollah
Of course, If Israel has it, you can rest assured Hezbollah wants to lay its greedy little Islamofacist hands on it. The exploratory permits licensed to Noble and its partners where these discoveries are being made are clearly off Israeli waters.
The Lebanese know that the messy little country they have thanks to their pals like Syria & Hezbollah will not draw the billions in foreign exploratory & drilling investment needed to tap whatever reserves may be off their own coast. That has not stopped Lebanon jealously eyeing Israel’s new reserves, or Hezbollah from issuing threats. After all, Israel belongs to them as per Hezbollah ‘logic’ – Muslim lands occupied by Zionist invaders!
Hizbullah: Israel’s Gas Belongs to Us
Hizbullah claims that that the natural gas fields recently discovered in the Mediterranean, belong to Lebanon and warned Israel against extracting gas from them.
Lebanese parliamentary speaker Nabih Berri told “AFP”, “Israel is racing to make the case a fait accompli and was quick to present itself as an oil emirate, ignoring the fact that, according to the maps, the deposit extends into Lebanese waters. Lebanon must take immediate action to defend its financial, political, economic and sovereign rights.”
Marine law expert Amir Cohen-Dor of the S. Friedman & Co. told “Globes” that the Dalit and Tamar gas fields are within Israel’s contiguous economic zone, and that under the 1982 UN Law of the Sea Convention, Israel can exploit resources in its economic zone.
Gas War Zone?
Both Hezbollah & the Lebanese Parliament which are today one & the same are getting in on the threats. Make no mistake, this is a threat against infrastructure, pipelines, rigs, shipping and investment needed to tap the reserves that will all be required in the future. The Lebanese have gone so far as to issue veiled war threats..
Lebanese parliamentarians made similar accusations following the discovery of the Tamar and Dalit gas reserves in 2009.
Halami Mussa said, “The area where the seismic survey was carried out is offshore from the coast of Lebanon, between the international border of Palestine and Cyprus.” He utterly ignores the presence of Israel.
The Ministry of National Infrastructures Map of Petroleum Rights shows that the Tamar license, as well the licenses that make up the Leviathan structure are located west and northwest of Haifa, south of the Israel-Lebanese border
Potential for Conflict is Real
With Israeli sovereignty being questioned as usual by Islamists & terrorists, and Lebanon laying absurd claim to Israeli natural gas discoveries the potential for conflict is real. Israeli withdrawals from Lebanon have been certified by the UN, yet that did not stop Hezbollah from launching a war in 2006. The Israeli coastal demarcations are also clear, there is little reason to believe that will stop Hezbollah or its patrons from trying to initiate conflict, terrorism & violence either.
This is part and parcel of the Noble partnership with Israel. Infrastructure - both sea based and land based to process the LNG will need to be patrolled, secured. The State may even be forced into war to secure safe resource extraction.
Lieberman slams Lebanese rejection of borders: 'Hezbollah looking for friction, but we won't give up what is rightfully ours'
Landau added: "The border between us and them has been unequivocally set – this is our legally and professionally-based opinion that will be placed on the table of the UN,"
Peace and even clean burning energy in the Middle East does not come cheap.

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