10. The Stab-In-The-Back Legend

Of course this legend was just a ruse to find a scapegoat for Germany’s impending military defeat. Although the German army remained highly organized and even occupied large swaths of enemy territory near the end of the war, they lacked enough reserves and material to defend it. Conversely, fresh American troops were reinforcing Allied lines and were in the process of retaking German-held areas. Rising casualties, a flu epidemic, and an economic blockade also added to the German woes—simply put, they were just in no shape to continue the war any further.
9. Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty Brought Diseases To Egypt

Subei attributed this to the influx of pesticides from Israel to Egypt, which he believed led to the gradual deterioration of the country’s agriculture and the current trend of diseases. To solve this dilemma, he recommended that the Egyptian government review and amend the “unfair” provisions of the treaty.
In spite of their regular anti-Semitic slurs, the Muslim Brotherhood itself isn’t immune to such conspiracies—the group itself is alleged to be an Israeli front.
8. Host Desecration

The Reformation of the 16th century alleviated the suffering of the Jews somewhat—when the Protestants denied the doctrine of transubstantiation, the whole thing became moot and academic. However, isolated cases of host-desecration accusations continued well into the 19th century—the last known incident happened in Romania in 1836.
7. The Kosher Tax Conspiracy

Unfortunately for conspiracy theorists, the truth couldn’t be any more mundane. While kosher-certified foods are indeed expensive, virtually all the profits go to the manufacturer. A small portion goes to the salaries of the kosher-accrediting organization’s members (most groups work as non-profit).
Historically speaking, a kosher tax has existed before—on the Jews themselves. Several European states imposed different variations of the kosher tax on the Jews. The Russian Empire in particular established the Box Tax—so called because the Jews had to put their money in a collection box.
6. Israel Caused 9/11

Rumors of the Israeli connection began shortly after the attacks when Middle Eastern newspapers cited a report that said some 4,000 Israelis did not go in to work at the Trade Center on that fateful day. They also pointed out the extremely low casualty rate the Israelis took in comparison to other nationalities in the attack.
In reality, the 4,000-person figure represented the number of Israelis believed to be in the vicinity of the attacks. Also in stark contrast to the low-casualty rumor was the fact that hundreds of the dead or wounded during the attack were of Jewish origins. Sadly, the figure became subverted by some Muslims who did not want to face the fact that it was Islamic terrorists who spearheaded the attack that took thousands of innocent lives.
5. Jews Keep Switzerland Neutral

As with most conspiracy theorists, Al-Ahmadi left out a few important notes, most notably the fact that Switzerland connived with the Nazis during World War II in order to remain neutral. That collaboration included harsh laws against Jewish refugees and the storage of ill-gotten Nazi loot.
4. Judeopolonia

The book sparked great paranoia against Polish Jews for several years. A similar fear rose up during the pre-World War II years with the belief in “zydokomuna,” or a Jewish-Soviet collaboration—a fear made more realistic after the Soviets fought and occupied several parts of Poland in the 1920s and ’30s.
3. The Andinia Plan

During the reign of the military junta, large numbers of Jews were often abducted and tortured because of their supposed invasion plan. As Jews, they were subjected to greater physical and psychological abuse than usual—one form of torture involved the jamming of small animals into the bodily orifices of Jewish prisoners. All told, more than a thousand Jews disappeared, along with several thousand dissidents, during that time period.
2. Jerry The Mouse Is A Jewish Invention

In a lecture he gave in 2006, Bolkhari outlined his belief that Jews created Jerry for the purpose of changing how Europeans perceived mice. According to him, Europeans began calling the Jews “dirty mice” during the Nazi era. To counter this, the Jews created the show and have been using it ever since to flip the common perception of the “stupid” mouse. Maybe this revelation also justifies the totally insane fatwa issued by a Saudi cleric that called for the killing of not only Jerry, but Mickey Mouse as well.
1. The Jews Dominated The Slave Trade
Were the Jews responsible for New World slavery? The Nation Of Islam seems to think so. In their book, titled The Secret Relationship Between Blacks And Jews, it was the Jews who financed the operations that saw millions of African natives shipped from their homes to the Americas up until the Civil War. From the ports to the ships, the Jews were in control of everything—not only that, but they also personally owned thousands of slaves and vast plantations. Accordingly, the NOI contended that without support of the Jews, the vast slave network would have essentially collapsed on itself.
Several scholars disputed the NOI’s assertion and stated that the participation of the Jews in the slave trade was “minimal” at best. While some Jews did own slaves and engaged in the trade, their involvement paled in comparison to that of the Europeans. Also conveniently forgotten was the fact that the Jews themselves were subjected to slavery multiple times throughout their history. Conclusively, while the Jews were guilty of slavery, they were not the only ones—virtually everyone was in on this horrid practice at some point in time.
Read More: Listverse.Com
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