Sunday, January 15, 2023
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Islam - What the West Needs to Know
ISLAM - What the West Needs to Know
An examination of Islam, violence, and the fate of the non-Muslim world. (98 mins)
Main Idea.
Virtually every major Western leader has over the past several years expressed the view that Islam is a peaceful religion and that those who commit violence in its name are fanatics who misinterpret its tenets. This claim, while widely circulated, rarely attracts serious public examination. Relying primarily on Islam's own sources, this documentary demonstrates that Islam is a violent, expansionary ideology that seeks the destruction or subjugation of other faiths, cultures, and systems of government.
The documentary consists of original interviews, citations from Islamic texts, Islamic artwork, computer-animated maps, footage of Western leaders, and Islamic television broadcasts. Its tone is sober, methodical, and compelling.
Outline of the Documentary.Introduction.
We hear from prominent Western leaders that Islam is peaceful and that those who commit violence in its name are heterodox fanatics.
Part 1: 'There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet'
Our interviewees affirm their belief that Islamic violence is entirely orthodox behavior for Muslims and stems directly from the teachings and example of the Prophet Muhammad and the commands of the Koran. We learn that the example of Muhammad is one of a violent warlord who killed numerous people. The Koran -- the verbatim words of Allah -- prescribes violence against non-Muslims and Muhammad is the perfect example of the Koran in action.
Part 2: The Struggle
We learn that jihad, while literally meaning 'struggle', in fact denotes war fought against non-Muslims in order to bring the rule of Islamic law to the world. Violent death in jihad is, according to the Koran, the only assurance of salvation. One of our interviewees tells of his personal involvement in terrorism and his leaving Islam.
Part 3: Expansion
Following the death of Muhammad, his 'rightly-guided' successors carried his wars to three continents, fighting, enslaving, and massacring countless Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Hindus, and others. Islam did not spread through evangelism or through its natural appeal, but through aggressive wars of conquest. The Crusades were largely a belated response on the part of Christian Europe to rescue Christians in the Holy Land suffering under Muslim oppression. The Muslim world today, while no longer the unified empire of the Caliphs, is exceptional for being responsible for the vast majority of conflicts around the world and for almost all of international terrorism.
Part 4: 'War is Deceit'
A great problem with Western efforts to understand Islam is due to the Islamic principle of 'religious deception', which enjoins Muslims to deceive non-Muslims in order to advance the cause of Islam. Muslim groups today in the West employ deception and omission to give the impression that 'Islam is a religion of peace', an utter fiction.
Part 5: More than a Religion
The most important characteristic of Islam not understood by the West is that it is more a system of government than a personal religion. Throughout its history, Islam has never recognized a distinction between the religious and the secular/political. Islamic law governs every aspect of religious, political, and personal action, which amounts to a form of totalitarianism that is divinely enjoined to dominate the world, analogous in many ways to Communism.
Part 6: The House of War
Islamic theology divides the world into two spheres locked in perpetual combat, dar al-Islam (House of Islam - where Islamic law predominates), and dar al-harb (House of War - the rest of the world). It is incumbent on dar al-Islam to fight and conquer dar al-harb and permanently assimilate it. Muslims in Western nations are called to subvert the secular regimes in which they now live in accordance with Allah's command. Due to political correctness and general government and media irresponsibility, the danger posed by observant Muslims in the West remains largely unappreciated.
An examination of Islam, violence, and the fate of the non-Muslim world. (98 mins)
Main Idea.
Virtually every major Western leader has over the past several years expressed the view that Islam is a peaceful religion and that those who commit violence in its name are fanatics who misinterpret its tenets. This claim, while widely circulated, rarely attracts serious public examination. Relying primarily on Islam's own sources, this documentary demonstrates that Islam is a violent, expansionary ideology that seeks the destruction or subjugation of other faiths, cultures, and systems of government.
The documentary consists of original interviews, citations from Islamic texts, Islamic artwork, computer-animated maps, footage of Western leaders, and Islamic television broadcasts. Its tone is sober, methodical, and compelling.
Outline of the Documentary.Introduction.
We hear from prominent Western leaders that Islam is peaceful and that those who commit violence in its name are heterodox fanatics.
Part 1: 'There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet'
Our interviewees affirm their belief that Islamic violence is entirely orthodox behavior for Muslims and stems directly from the teachings and example of the Prophet Muhammad and the commands of the Koran. We learn that the example of Muhammad is one of a violent warlord who killed numerous people. The Koran -- the verbatim words of Allah -- prescribes violence against non-Muslims and Muhammad is the perfect example of the Koran in action.
Part 2: The Struggle
We learn that jihad, while literally meaning 'struggle', in fact denotes war fought against non-Muslims in order to bring the rule of Islamic law to the world. Violent death in jihad is, according to the Koran, the only assurance of salvation. One of our interviewees tells of his personal involvement in terrorism and his leaving Islam.
Part 3: Expansion
Following the death of Muhammad, his 'rightly-guided' successors carried his wars to three continents, fighting, enslaving, and massacring countless Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Hindus, and others. Islam did not spread through evangelism or through its natural appeal, but through aggressive wars of conquest. The Crusades were largely a belated response on the part of Christian Europe to rescue Christians in the Holy Land suffering under Muslim oppression. The Muslim world today, while no longer the unified empire of the Caliphs, is exceptional for being responsible for the vast majority of conflicts around the world and for almost all of international terrorism.
Part 4: 'War is Deceit'
A great problem with Western efforts to understand Islam is due to the Islamic principle of 'religious deception', which enjoins Muslims to deceive non-Muslims in order to advance the cause of Islam. Muslim groups today in the West employ deception and omission to give the impression that 'Islam is a religion of peace', an utter fiction.
Part 5: More than a Religion
The most important characteristic of Islam not understood by the West is that it is more a system of government than a personal religion. Throughout its history, Islam has never recognized a distinction between the religious and the secular/political. Islamic law governs every aspect of religious, political, and personal action, which amounts to a form of totalitarianism that is divinely enjoined to dominate the world, analogous in many ways to Communism.
Part 6: The House of War
Islamic theology divides the world into two spheres locked in perpetual combat, dar al-Islam (House of Islam - where Islamic law predominates), and dar al-harb (House of War - the rest of the world). It is incumbent on dar al-Islam to fight and conquer dar al-harb and permanently assimilate it. Muslims in Western nations are called to subvert the secular regimes in which they now live in accordance with Allah's command. Due to political correctness and general government and media irresponsibility, the danger posed by observant Muslims in the West remains largely unappreciated.
Monday, December 1, 2014
אגדת פרסי הנובל: אשכנזים זכו ביותר פרסים מספרדים?
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סרז' הרוש |
סרז הרוש – זוכה פרס נובל לפיזיקה
אחד הזנים המכוערים והנפוצים ביותר של מצדדים בתורת גזע יהודית הם אלה שטוענים לעליונות שכלית של יהודי מרכז-מזרח אירופה על אחיהם הספרדים והמזרחים על ידי זריקת מספרים הקשורים למספר פרסי נובל שזכו בהם יהודים.
"אשכנזים זכו ב 300 פרסים, במה מרוקאים זכו חחחחחח"
"למען האמת אם תסתכל ביהודים זוכי פרס נובל תראה שאין שם מזרחיים, למען האמת רק יהודים אשכנזים תרמו לעולם, רק יהודים אשכנזים שווים.”
מעבר לעובדה שזה מטריף את הדעת שאנשים שהיו קורבן לתורת גזע שכמעט חיסלה את הקבוצה האתנית שלהם לגמרי משתמשים בטיעונים מהתחום הזה ביחס לאחרים, שזה חייב להיות קצת לא נורמלי, התפיסות בנוגע למי זכה בכמה פרסי נובל שגויות לחלוטין.
להלן רשימה של יהודים ספרדים זוכי פרס נובל:
בסך הכל עשרה זוכי פרס פרס נובל יהודים ממוצא ספרדי ("מזרחי"). בכמה פרסים זכו יהודים בסך הכל? 165, מתוכם פרסי השלום שזכו בהם יצחק רבין ושמעון פרס במשותף עם ערפאת (ובגין עם סדאת).
בסך הכל יהודים ממוצא אשכנזי זכו בפי 15 פרסים מיהודים ממוצא ספרדי. שזה נשמע הרבה עד שאתה מבין שהפער הזה משקף את פערי האוכלוסיה בין שתי העדות לאורך המאה העשרים. ב1938 היו 16.5 מליון יהודים בעולם, מתוכם לא יותר ממליון וחצי ספרדים. יהודים ממוצא מזרח אירופי היו 12 מליון ויותר, ביניהם ארבעה מליון יהודים בארצות הברית לבדה – המדינה שממילא זכתה במספר הגדול ביותר של פרסים מכל ארצות העולם. המדינה עם התשתית המדעית המפותחת ביותר מכל ארצות העולם והמדינה שתושביה כתבו את המחקר שלהם בשפה הדומיננטית של המחקר המדעי – אנגלית.
יהודים ספרדים ואשכנזים זכות בפרסי נובל בדיוק באותו יחס למספרם הכולל. מה שעושה את ההישג של יהודים ספרדים למרשים במיוחד היא העובדה שבעוד שרובם המכריע של יהודי אשכנז חיו במקומות שבהם השכלה אקדמית מתקדמת הייתה זמינה, רובם המכריע של היהודים הספרדים והמזרחים חיו בארצות שבהן לא הייתה השכלה זמינה שכזו: פחות מחצי מהיהודים הספרדים חיו במדינות אירופאיות או בשליטה אירופית, ובמדינות האלה ההישגים התרבותיים והמדעיים שלהם היו יוצאי דופן.
מילה אחרונה על גזענות: שלושה זוכי פרס נובל יהודים מרוקאים ישנם ברשימה: סרז' הרוש, קלוד כהן-טנוג'י וברוך בנאסרף. בהתחשב בכך שקהילת יהודי מרוקו לא עלתה על 200,000 איש באמצע המאה העשרים, ההישגים של הקהילה הזו מבחינת פרסי נובל לגולגולת עולים על זו של כל קהילה יהודית אחרת – על זו של כל קהילה אנושית אחרת בעולם לדעתי. אין עוד קבוצה שמונה כמה מאות אלפי אנשים והוציאה מתוכה שלושה זוכים בפרס נובל.
אם נוסיף לשלושת הזוכים היהודים-מרוקאים בנובל את שני מחדשי היישוב העברי, אהרון שלוש, שפרץ את חומות היישוב הישן ביפו, ורב דוד בן שמעון שעשה כמותו בירושלים, פתאום אתה מבין שיהדות מרוקו הקטנטנה הרימה תרומה עצומה לא רק לבניין הארץ אלא גם למחקר המדעי ולתדמית היהודית באופן כללי.
יהודי מרוקו מעולם לא חשבו להגיד ליהודי פולין "זכינו ביותר פרסי נובל מכם, החלוצים הראשונים היו שלנו, אתם בטח זן נחות של יהודי". אצל חלק לא מבוטל מיהודי מזרח אירופה התפיסה ההפוכה באה חופשי. איך זה? התשובה לא מאוד מסובכת: מי שהיו קורבנות של תורת גזע אימצו אותה לעצמם.
האנשים האלה, יהודים עם תפיסת גזע, שנואים עלי יותר מכל צורת חיים אחרת עלי אדמות. זהו פשע שאין עליו מחילה.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
The 3 Stages of Jihad
David Wood explains the three stages of jihad and how Muslims use the concept of the takkiya to lie and deceive Westerners so that they can keep defending the cause of Islam.
Many Mohammedans or Mahoundians as I sometimes call those people, both those living in the Western world and those who live in other parts of the world quick to point to passages such as Qur’an 109:6 (“You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion”) and 2:256 (“There is no compulsion in religion”) as evidence that Islam is a religion of peace.
When confronted with harsher passages such as 9:5 (“Slay the idolaters wherever you find them”) and 9:29 (“Fight those who believe not in Allah”), Westernized Muslims interpret these verses in light of the more peaceful teachings of the Qur’an, typically saying something like: “Well, the Qur’an can’t be commanding us to kill unbelievers, since it says that there’s no compulsion in religion. Liberals and Libertarians alike are quick to defend and protect Islam from criticism out of the fear of being called names. The call to Jihad has three stages.
STAGE ONE—When Muslims are completely outnumbered and can’t possibly win a physical confrontation with unbelievers, they are to live in peace with non-Muslims and preach a message of tolerance. We see an example of this stage when Muhammad and his followers were a persecuted minority in Mecca.
STAGE TWO—When there are enough Muslims and resources to defend the Islamic community, Muslims are called to engage in defensive Jihad.
STAGE THREE—When Muslims establish a majority and achieve political power in an area, they are commanded to engage in offensive Jihad. Hence, once Mecca and Arabia were under Muhammad’s control, he received the call the fight all unbelievers. In Surah 9:29....
Read More:
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Barack Obama: The Most Anti-Israel President!
With his remarks in Jakarta, Indonesia, President Obama made history once again. Sadly, it's a most unenviable title. I believe he is the most anti-Israel President in U.S. history.
In going to Jakarta, Indonesia, to launch his latest attack, he literally went to the ends of the earth to give voice to his displeasure. He emphasized his opposition to the policies of the elected government of Israel.
He used his Jakarta platform to complain about Israel building apartments for her growing population. Where? In Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.
To make matters even worse, Jakarta is a city no Israeli is allowed to enter! The symbolism of saying what he said in the country and city where he said it is simply atrocious.
He was in Indonesia less than 24 hours. If he had to make such a one-sided and unfair pronouncement, couldn't he at least have waited until he got to South Korea? Touting Indonesia's great tolerance is offensive. Indonesians love everybody, except the Israelis, of course, and except Catholic school girls who get beheaded on their way to school.....
Keep Reading:
In going to Jakarta, Indonesia, to launch his latest attack, he literally went to the ends of the earth to give voice to his displeasure. He emphasized his opposition to the policies of the elected government of Israel.
He used his Jakarta platform to complain about Israel building apartments for her growing population. Where? In Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.
To make matters even worse, Jakarta is a city no Israeli is allowed to enter! The symbolism of saying what he said in the country and city where he said it is simply atrocious.
He was in Indonesia less than 24 hours. If he had to make such a one-sided and unfair pronouncement, couldn't he at least have waited until he got to South Korea? Touting Indonesia's great tolerance is offensive. Indonesians love everybody, except the Israelis, of course, and except Catholic school girls who get beheaded on their way to school.....
Keep Reading:
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Message to Obama
Excellent Speech. Brother Rachid addresses President Obama about ISIL and Islam; he explains to him how ISIL is imitating the prophet Muhammad in every detail they do. ISIL represents Islam.
Brother Rachid's Youtube Channel
Brother Rachid's Youtube Channel
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Muslim Group Slaughters 43 Children in Nigerian School
Children burned alive, Jihadists shot and slit the throats of children who tried to escape through the windows.
When are good and decent people going to be free to speak about Muslim supremacist savagery? Instead, reporting on these stories of unimaginable horror is considered “islamophobia.” That’s where we are in the modern age of the savage.
Should the Christians fight back in Nigeria, the enemedia will begin weeping about “the ethnic cleansing of Muslims,” which is exactly what they are doing in the neighboring Central African Republic.
Send arms to the Christians in Nigeria. Train them. That’s what America should be doing.
These Islamic atrocities across Africa and the Middle East are daily — daily — and Obama can’t import these killers into our country fast enough.
“Islamist group named ‘Western Education is Forbidden’ slaughters 43 boys in Nigerian school after storming the building with guns, machetes and firebombs,” Daily Mail, February 26, 2014 Suspected militants from Al-Quaeda affiliated group burned children alive Teacher says they set locked hostel on fire then shot and slit the throats of children who tried to escape through the windows Other reports suggest attackers threw explosives, sprayed rooms with gunfire and used machetes to hack pupils to death Attack brings toll from Boko Haram attacks to more than 300 this month Suspected Islamic militants killed 43 students in a pre-dawn attack Tuesday on a northeast Nigerian college, survivors said.
The terrorists, thought to be from Boko Haram, set a locked hostel on fire, before shooting and slitting the throats of those who tried to climb out the windows. Some were burned alive. Adamu Garba said he and other teachers who ran away through the bush estimate 40 students died in the assault that began around 2 a.m. Tuesday at the Federal Government College at Buni Yadi.
Boko Haram have been responsible for a number of terrorist attacks in the north of Nigera as they increasingly target civilians Boko Haram have been responsible for a number of terrorist attacks in the north of Nigera as they increasingly target civilians (file picture) It is a co-ed school about 45 miles south of Damaturu, the capital of Yobe state, and difficult to communicate with because extremists last year destroyed the cell phone tower there. Garba, who teaches at a secondary school attached to the college, said the attackers first set ablaze the college administrative block, then moved to the hostels, where they locked students in and started firebombing the buildings.
At one hostel, he said: ‘Students were trying to climb out of the windows and they were slaughtered like sheep by the terrorists who slit their throats. Others who ran were gunned down.’ He said students who could not escape were burned alive The attackers also reportedly hurled explosives into student residential buildings, sprayed gunfire into rooms and hacked a number students to death. A senior medical source at the Sani Abacha Specialist Hospital in Yobe’s capital Damaturu said the gunmen only targeted male students and that female students were ‘spared’. ‘So far, 43 bodies have been brought (from the college) and are lying at the morgue,’ said the source, who requested anonymity as he was not authorised to discuss death tolls. Damaturu resident Babagoni Musa told AFP that four ambulances carrying dead bodies drove past his shop, which falls on the road from Buni Yadi.
‘They had tree branches on them which is a sign used here to signify a corpse is in a vehicle,’ he said. People whose relatives were studying at the college had surrounded the morgue and were desperately seeking information about those killed, forcing the military to take control of the building to restore calm, the hospital source said. Yobe is one of three northeastern states which was placed under emergency rule in May last year when the military launched a massive operation to crush the Boko Haram uprising.
At least 40 students were killed in September at an agriculture training college in Yobe after Boko Haram gunmen stormed a series of dorms in the middle of the night and sprayed gunfire on sleeping students.
Read more at: PamelaGeller.Com
When are good and decent people going to be free to speak about Muslim supremacist savagery? Instead, reporting on these stories of unimaginable horror is considered “islamophobia.” That’s where we are in the modern age of the savage.
Should the Christians fight back in Nigeria, the enemedia will begin weeping about “the ethnic cleansing of Muslims,” which is exactly what they are doing in the neighboring Central African Republic.
Send arms to the Christians in Nigeria. Train them. That’s what America should be doing.
These Islamic atrocities across Africa and the Middle East are daily — daily — and Obama can’t import these killers into our country fast enough.
“Islamist group named ‘Western Education is Forbidden’ slaughters 43 boys in Nigerian school after storming the building with guns, machetes and firebombs,” Daily Mail, February 26, 2014 Suspected militants from Al-Quaeda affiliated group burned children alive Teacher says they set locked hostel on fire then shot and slit the throats of children who tried to escape through the windows Other reports suggest attackers threw explosives, sprayed rooms with gunfire and used machetes to hack pupils to death Attack brings toll from Boko Haram attacks to more than 300 this month Suspected Islamic militants killed 43 students in a pre-dawn attack Tuesday on a northeast Nigerian college, survivors said.
The terrorists, thought to be from Boko Haram, set a locked hostel on fire, before shooting and slitting the throats of those who tried to climb out the windows. Some were burned alive. Adamu Garba said he and other teachers who ran away through the bush estimate 40 students died in the assault that began around 2 a.m. Tuesday at the Federal Government College at Buni Yadi.
Boko Haram have been responsible for a number of terrorist attacks in the north of Nigera as they increasingly target civilians Boko Haram have been responsible for a number of terrorist attacks in the north of Nigera as they increasingly target civilians (file picture) It is a co-ed school about 45 miles south of Damaturu, the capital of Yobe state, and difficult to communicate with because extremists last year destroyed the cell phone tower there. Garba, who teaches at a secondary school attached to the college, said the attackers first set ablaze the college administrative block, then moved to the hostels, where they locked students in and started firebombing the buildings.
At one hostel, he said: ‘Students were trying to climb out of the windows and they were slaughtered like sheep by the terrorists who slit their throats. Others who ran were gunned down.’ He said students who could not escape were burned alive The attackers also reportedly hurled explosives into student residential buildings, sprayed gunfire into rooms and hacked a number students to death. A senior medical source at the Sani Abacha Specialist Hospital in Yobe’s capital Damaturu said the gunmen only targeted male students and that female students were ‘spared’. ‘So far, 43 bodies have been brought (from the college) and are lying at the morgue,’ said the source, who requested anonymity as he was not authorised to discuss death tolls. Damaturu resident Babagoni Musa told AFP that four ambulances carrying dead bodies drove past his shop, which falls on the road from Buni Yadi.
‘They had tree branches on them which is a sign used here to signify a corpse is in a vehicle,’ he said. People whose relatives were studying at the college had surrounded the morgue and were desperately seeking information about those killed, forcing the military to take control of the building to restore calm, the hospital source said. Yobe is one of three northeastern states which was placed under emergency rule in May last year when the military launched a massive operation to crush the Boko Haram uprising.
At least 40 students were killed in September at an agriculture training college in Yobe after Boko Haram gunmen stormed a series of dorms in the middle of the night and sprayed gunfire on sleeping students.
Read more at: PamelaGeller.Com
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Inside a Terrorist's Mind
Prior to his assassination, Salah Shehadeh discussed the logistics of terror operations against Israelis.
On July 23, 2002, the IDF dropped a bomb on a Gaza apartment building, killing terrorist leader Salah Shehadeh, commander of the 'Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas.
The following interview with Shehadeh was published by Islam Online on May 29, 2002. presents the interview as a curious look into a terrorist's mind.
Q: How do you choose who will carry out a martyrdom operation?
Shehadeh: The choice is made according to four criteria: First, devout religious observance. Second, we verify that the young man complies with his parents' wishes and is loved by his family, and that his martyrdom will not [adversely] affect family life ? that is, he is not the head of the family and he has siblings, as we will not take an only child.
Third, his ability to carry out the task assigned [to] him, and to understand its gravity; and fourth, his martyrdom should encourage others to carry out martyrdom operations and encourage Jihad in the hearts of people. We always prefer unmarried [men]. It is the regional leadership of the military apparatus of the Hamas movement that proposes his candidacy, and then decides whether to accept him.
Q: How do you account for the stream of youths [coming] to join the ranks of perpetrators of martyrdom operations? And does this attest to [mental] health, or to escape from the frustration and disappointment among the Palestinians?
Shehadeh: The stream of youths [who seek to] attain martyrdom shows [mental] health and the awareness of Palestinian society, and is not a mistake or an escape from a situation of despair or frustration. Many people come to Jihad, and they are willing to lay down their souls ? which is the most precious thing a man has. There is a vast difference between someone who sacrifices money or an offering, and someone who sacrifices his soul for the sake of Allah to bring happiness to the nation, and to remove its torment and distress.
Nevertheless, we cannot provide everyone with a martyrdom operation because the targets are limited and the enemy positions we want to reach are highly fortified. If some of the youths do not follow the military apparatus's instructions, and [set out on operations on their own] without being linked officially to this apparatus, this proves that the [entire] nation has become a nation of Jihad on the threshold of liberation, and that it rejects humiliation and submission.
Q: How does the military apparatus choose a target?
Shehadeh: We have surveillance groups whose role is to monitor Israeli and settler patrols and the movement of the enemy on the border. We utilize every breach we find in the enemy's security fence. Afterwards we define the target and the nature of the assault on it, whether it is a settlement, a military post, a military vehicle, or anything else. The target is filmed, and then [the video] is shown to a committee appointed by the General Staff of the Military Operations.
After the target is approved, the martyrdom operation's perpetrator is trained... Then the operation is ready to go, after a group of experts approves the plan and determines the factors for its success or failure.
Q: What about killing Israeli citizens?
Shehadeh: We do not target children, the elderly, and places of worship, although these places of worship incite to murdering Muslims. Similarly, we have not targeted schools, because we do not give orders to kill children. The same goes for hospitals, although this is easy for us, and attainable.
We act according to the principles of Jihad to which we adhere. Our motto is: “We are not fighting the Jews because they are Jews, but because they occupy our land. We are not fighting them because of their religion but because they have usurped our land.” If we kill a child it is not intentional...
Q: How much does a martyrdom operation cost?
Shehadeh: The cost of an operation varies... Attack operations with automatic weapons cost the price of the weapon, which hold at least 250 rounds, and of the ammunition, and the price of about 10 hand grenades. But some of the operations cost much more and include transporting [the perpetrator]... buying a car, and bribing Jewish collaborators. There are operations that cost a great deal ? between $3,500-$50,000, in accordance with the target.
Q: How did you develop the weapons that the 'Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades have come to excel at manufacturing, such as the Al-Qassam 1 and Al-Qassam 2 and the and the Al-Bana [rockets]?
Shehadeh: ...We have scientists who specialize in weapons development, who are today studying and conducting experiments on the Al-Bana rocket, which is a combination of an RPG and a LAW [light anti-tank weapon], and differs from the Al-Qassam 2 because it is designed for moderately thick armor. Hand grenades are manufactured to meet the needs of the apparatus and its members, and they have proved their efficiency, and [even] the Zionist Defense Ministry attests that they are powerful grenades.
All the grenades and rockets are locally manufactured, easily and simply. The explosives in the Al-Qassam 1 and 2 and the Al Bana are made from simple raw materials. [Even] the women can make them at home...
Q: What about the organizational structure of the 'Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades?
Shehadeh: In general, the brigades are a small army subject to political decisions, like any [other] army in the world. It has all the kinds of divisions and structures that an army has. We are soldiers. The political apparatus does not tell us, 'Do such and such' and 'Carry out this or that operation'; the political apparatus is sovereign over the military apparatus, and a decision of the political [echelon] takes precedence over the decision of the military [echelon], without intervening in military operations.
The success of an operation is not defined by the number of enemy dead, but by the extent to which our Jihad fighters managed to reach the target, and by the operation's execution. Good planning is vital for the operation's success. The number of dead depends on the will of Allah.
Q: What are the obstacles that the Al-Qassam Brigades face?
Sh'hadeh: The most significant obstacles are the scarcity of good-quality weapons, such as anti-aircraft and long-range missiles.
Another significant obstacle is the haze obscuring the political position of the National [Palestinian] Authority. This causes confusion in the military wing [because] it does not set a [clear] position regarding the military operations ― that is, whether it is for them or against them. Is it an authority for national liberation, or an authority for autonomy? This matter confuses many Jihad fighters.
In addition, weapons prices have been raised by the bloodsucker arms dealers, so the price of an M-16 has reached $5,000, and each of its bullets now costs $1.50, and a Kalashnikov costs $2,000, and each of its bullets costs $4.00.
The military apparatus has managed to meet the challenge of weapons scarcities by collecting donations from people who love supporting the path of Jihad for the sake of Allah. Similarly, the movement has succeeded in manufacturing some of the intermediate weaponry, thus reducing costs. The cost of a rocket [made by the movement] is less than 1 percent of its cost if we had to buy it.
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On July 23, 2002, the IDF dropped a bomb on a Gaza apartment building, killing terrorist leader Salah Shehadeh, commander of the 'Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas.
The following interview with Shehadeh was published by Islam Online on May 29, 2002. presents the interview as a curious look into a terrorist's mind.
Q: How do you choose who will carry out a martyrdom operation?
Shehadeh: The choice is made according to four criteria: First, devout religious observance. Second, we verify that the young man complies with his parents' wishes and is loved by his family, and that his martyrdom will not [adversely] affect family life ? that is, he is not the head of the family and he has siblings, as we will not take an only child.
Third, his ability to carry out the task assigned [to] him, and to understand its gravity; and fourth, his martyrdom should encourage others to carry out martyrdom operations and encourage Jihad in the hearts of people. We always prefer unmarried [men]. It is the regional leadership of the military apparatus of the Hamas movement that proposes his candidacy, and then decides whether to accept him.
Q: How do you account for the stream of youths [coming] to join the ranks of perpetrators of martyrdom operations? And does this attest to [mental] health, or to escape from the frustration and disappointment among the Palestinians?
Shehadeh: The stream of youths [who seek to] attain martyrdom shows [mental] health and the awareness of Palestinian society, and is not a mistake or an escape from a situation of despair or frustration. Many people come to Jihad, and they are willing to lay down their souls ? which is the most precious thing a man has. There is a vast difference between someone who sacrifices money or an offering, and someone who sacrifices his soul for the sake of Allah to bring happiness to the nation, and to remove its torment and distress.
Nevertheless, we cannot provide everyone with a martyrdom operation because the targets are limited and the enemy positions we want to reach are highly fortified. If some of the youths do not follow the military apparatus's instructions, and [set out on operations on their own] without being linked officially to this apparatus, this proves that the [entire] nation has become a nation of Jihad on the threshold of liberation, and that it rejects humiliation and submission.
Q: How does the military apparatus choose a target?
Shehadeh: We have surveillance groups whose role is to monitor Israeli and settler patrols and the movement of the enemy on the border. We utilize every breach we find in the enemy's security fence. Afterwards we define the target and the nature of the assault on it, whether it is a settlement, a military post, a military vehicle, or anything else. The target is filmed, and then [the video] is shown to a committee appointed by the General Staff of the Military Operations.
After the target is approved, the martyrdom operation's perpetrator is trained... Then the operation is ready to go, after a group of experts approves the plan and determines the factors for its success or failure.
Q: What about killing Israeli citizens?
Shehadeh: We do not target children, the elderly, and places of worship, although these places of worship incite to murdering Muslims. Similarly, we have not targeted schools, because we do not give orders to kill children. The same goes for hospitals, although this is easy for us, and attainable.
We act according to the principles of Jihad to which we adhere. Our motto is: “We are not fighting the Jews because they are Jews, but because they occupy our land. We are not fighting them because of their religion but because they have usurped our land.” If we kill a child it is not intentional...
Q: How much does a martyrdom operation cost?
Shehadeh: The cost of an operation varies... Attack operations with automatic weapons cost the price of the weapon, which hold at least 250 rounds, and of the ammunition, and the price of about 10 hand grenades. But some of the operations cost much more and include transporting [the perpetrator]... buying a car, and bribing Jewish collaborators. There are operations that cost a great deal ? between $3,500-$50,000, in accordance with the target.
Q: How did you develop the weapons that the 'Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades have come to excel at manufacturing, such as the Al-Qassam 1 and Al-Qassam 2 and the and the Al-Bana [rockets]?
Shehadeh: ...We have scientists who specialize in weapons development, who are today studying and conducting experiments on the Al-Bana rocket, which is a combination of an RPG and a LAW [light anti-tank weapon], and differs from the Al-Qassam 2 because it is designed for moderately thick armor. Hand grenades are manufactured to meet the needs of the apparatus and its members, and they have proved their efficiency, and [even] the Zionist Defense Ministry attests that they are powerful grenades.
All the grenades and rockets are locally manufactured, easily and simply. The explosives in the Al-Qassam 1 and 2 and the Al Bana are made from simple raw materials. [Even] the women can make them at home...
Q: What about the organizational structure of the 'Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades?
Shehadeh: In general, the brigades are a small army subject to political decisions, like any [other] army in the world. It has all the kinds of divisions and structures that an army has. We are soldiers. The political apparatus does not tell us, 'Do such and such' and 'Carry out this or that operation'; the political apparatus is sovereign over the military apparatus, and a decision of the political [echelon] takes precedence over the decision of the military [echelon], without intervening in military operations.
The success of an operation is not defined by the number of enemy dead, but by the extent to which our Jihad fighters managed to reach the target, and by the operation's execution. Good planning is vital for the operation's success. The number of dead depends on the will of Allah.
Q: What are the obstacles that the Al-Qassam Brigades face?
Sh'hadeh: The most significant obstacles are the scarcity of good-quality weapons, such as anti-aircraft and long-range missiles.
Another significant obstacle is the haze obscuring the political position of the National [Palestinian] Authority. This causes confusion in the military wing [because] it does not set a [clear] position regarding the military operations ― that is, whether it is for them or against them. Is it an authority for national liberation, or an authority for autonomy? This matter confuses many Jihad fighters.
In addition, weapons prices have been raised by the bloodsucker arms dealers, so the price of an M-16 has reached $5,000, and each of its bullets now costs $1.50, and a Kalashnikov costs $2,000, and each of its bullets costs $4.00.
The military apparatus has managed to meet the challenge of weapons scarcities by collecting donations from people who love supporting the path of Jihad for the sake of Allah. Similarly, the movement has succeeded in manufacturing some of the intermediate weaponry, thus reducing costs. The cost of a rocket [made by the movement] is less than 1 percent of its cost if we had to buy it.
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Thursday, February 20, 2014
A Short Guide to the Middle East
by: Mr. Al-Sabah
* Iran is backing Assad - Gulf states and Turkey are against Assad, and Assad is against Muslim Brotherhood.
* Turkey is pro-Muslim Brotherhood against General Sisi - Gulf states are pro-General Sisi - Gulf states are pro-U.S.
* Muslim Brotherhood and Obama are against General Sisi - Gulf states are pro-Sisi, which means, they are against Muslim Brotherhood.
* Iran is pro-Hamas - Hamas is pro-Muslim Brotherhood - Obama is pro-Muslim Brotherhood, yet, Hamas is against the U.S
Hmmmm.... confused?
So we are!
* Iran is backing Assad - Gulf states and Turkey are against Assad, and Assad is against Muslim Brotherhood.
* Turkey is pro-Muslim Brotherhood against General Sisi - Gulf states are pro-General Sisi - Gulf states are pro-U.S.
* Muslim Brotherhood and Obama are against General Sisi - Gulf states are pro-Sisi, which means, they are against Muslim Brotherhood.
* Iran is pro-Hamas - Hamas is pro-Muslim Brotherhood - Obama is pro-Muslim Brotherhood, yet, Hamas is against the U.S
Hmmmm.... confused?
So we are!
Thursday, February 13, 2014
10 Absurdly Crazy Jewish Conspiracy Theories
Few people in history have been the target of conspiracy theories as often as the Jews. From well-poisoning to take-over-the-world plots, the Jews have it all planned—according to racists and conspiracy theorists. Yet in the vast potpourri of already-crazy Jewish conspiracies, a few have stood out due to their sheer insanity. These are conspiracies so insane that even the most fanatical believers would find them hard to believe.
10. The Stab-In-The-Back Legend
According to this myth, Germany lost World War I not because of the lack of soldiers and resources, but because the nation had been “stabbed in the back” by conspiratorial organizations at home. Militarists and right-wing groups—and, later, the Nazis—maintained that these organizations effectively broke the fighting will of the people and caused the Germans to accept the humiliating terms of the armistice. The ones who singlehandedly engineered the collapse of the German war effort were none other than the Communists, Jews, and various defeatists. The Jews were particularly vulnerable—for the Germans they exemplified the perfect traitors, just like Judas Iscariot.
Of course this legend was just a ruse to find a scapegoat for Germany’s impending military defeat. Although the German army remained highly organized and even occupied large swaths of enemy territory near the end of the war, they lacked enough reserves and material to defend it. Conversely, fresh American troops were reinforcing Allied lines and were in the process of retaking German-held areas. Rising casualties, a flu epidemic, and an economic blockade also added to the German woes—simply put, they were just in no shape to continue the war any further.
9. Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty Brought Diseases To Egypt
Remember when a Saudi cleric announced that women who drive risked destroying their pelvises and ovaries? As it turns out, he wasn’t the only one who excelled at putting his foot in his mouth. Back in August 2012, a spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood named Ahmed Subei stated in an interview on Iranian television that Egypt’s Camp David Accords and the resulting peace treaty with Israel increased the incidence of diseases among the Egyptians. Since the peace treaty of 1979, more Egyptians have been afflicted with “endemic diseases, such as various types of cancer, hepatitis, and kidney infections.”
Subei attributed this to the influx of pesticides from Israel to Egypt, which he believed led to the gradual deterioration of the country’s agriculture and the current trend of diseases. To solve this dilemma, he recommended that the Egyptian government review and amend the “unfair” provisions of the treaty.
In spite of their regular anti-Semitic slurs, the Muslim Brotherhood itself isn’t immune to such conspiracies—the group itself is alleged to be an Israeli front.
8. Host Desecration
Host desecration—one of the oldest (and most serious) accusations against Jews—refers to the alleged Jewish practice of desecrating the host (or bread) used by various Christian groups that represented the body of Jesus Christ. The Jews would mutilate the host in a manner similar to Jesus Christ’s torture and crucifixion. Accusations against the Jews began after the Catholic Church established the doctrine of transubstantiation in 1215. Afterward, Jews were frequently charged and persecuted for this practice. Later on, the accusation became the perfect excuse for people to kill and expel the Jews from the community.
The Reformation of the 16th century alleviated the suffering of the Jews somewhat—when the Protestants denied the doctrine of transubstantiation, the whole thing became moot and academic. However, isolated cases of host-desecration accusations continued well into the 19th century—the last known incident happened in Romania in 1836.
7. The Kosher Tax Conspiracy
According to believers of this conspiracy, kosher-certified foods are one way the Jews collect money from unwitting consumers around the world. Proceeds then go to Israel and various Jewish organizations for their nefarious purposes. In the West, the belief in a kosher tax took root during the 20th century, when Jewish organizations gave out kosher certifications to food manufacturers. And since kosher-certified foods are priced higher than non-kosher ones, well, that extra money has to go somewhere.
Unfortunately for conspiracy theorists, the truth couldn’t be any more mundane. While kosher-certified foods are indeed expensive, virtually all the profits go to the manufacturer. A small portion goes to the salaries of the kosher-accrediting organization’s members (most groups work as non-profit).
Historically speaking, a kosher tax has existed before—on the Jews themselves. Several European states imposed different variations of the kosher tax on the Jews. The Russian Empire in particular established the Box Tax—so called because the Jews had to put their money in a collection box.
6. Israel Caused 9/11
No, it wasn’t the US government who attacked the World Trade Center in New York; it was Israel—or at least that’s what a good number of Muslim conspiracy theorists believe. According to them, Israel initiated the attacks with the hope that the West would launch a military intervention against what they perceived to be rogue Islamic states.
Rumors of the Israeli connection began shortly after the attacks when Middle Eastern newspapers cited a report that said some 4,000 Israelis did not go in to work at the Trade Center on that fateful day. They also pointed out the extremely low casualty rate the Israelis took in comparison to other nationalities in the attack.
In reality, the 4,000-person figure represented the number of Israelis believed to be in the vicinity of the attacks. Also in stark contrast to the low-casualty rumor was the fact that hundreds of the dead or wounded during the attack were of Jewish origins. Sadly, the figure became subverted by some Muslims who did not want to face the fact that it was Islamic terrorists who spearheaded the attack that took thousands of innocent lives.
5. Jews Keep Switzerland Neutral
Ever wondered how Switzerland has managed to remain neutral, avoid major wars, and still remain such a rich and powerful country? Apparently, it’s all thanks to the Jews. A Saudi journalist named Fahd ‘Amr Al-Ahmadi wrote that the Jews were the moving force behind Switzerland’s centuries-long neutrality. He contended that Switzerland provided the perfect place for the Jews to hoard their wealth and plan their next move for world domination. Through their machinations, Switzerland became a neutral and extremely wealthy country while the rest of the world burned around them.
As with most conspiracy theorists, Al-Ahmadi left out a few important notes, most notably the fact that Switzerland connived with the Nazis during World War II in order to remain neutral. That collaboration included harsh laws against Jewish refugees and the storage of ill-gotten Nazi loot.
4. Judeopolonia
Will there really be a future Jewish homeland in Poland? In a book written by Polish writer Julian Niemcewicz in 1858, by the year 3333 A.D., the Jews will have total control over Poland through deceit and treachery. Judeopolonia—as it will be known—will consist of Jews ruling over the Gentiles from their capital of Moszkopolis (formerly Warsaw). The bottom of the new social order of Judeopolonia will consist of the rest of the Polish population. The aristocrats especially will be forced to serve the Jewish ruling class. Judeopolonia will be run like a dystopian wasteland—all buildings and structures will either be defaced or destroyed, while the streets will be littered with dirt.
The book sparked great paranoia against Polish Jews for several years. A similar fear rose up during the pre-World War II years with the belief in “zydokomuna,” or a Jewish-Soviet collaboration—a fear made more realistic after the Soviets fought and occupied several parts of Poland in the 1920s and ’30s.
3. The Andinia Plan
Argentina is another alleged preferred destination for a Jewish state. According to the Andinia Plan, the Jews mapped out Patagonia in Argentina for the creation of an independent Jewish Republic of Andinia—effectively, a state within a state. The main author of this belief—an Argentinian politician named Walter Allende—alleged that during the 1970s, the Israelites were searching for a second Jewish homeland far away from the turmoil in the Middle East. Argentina, with its large Jewish population, would have been the perfect settlement.
During the reign of the military junta, large numbers of Jews were often abducted and tortured because of their supposed invasion plan. As Jews, they were subjected to greater physical and psychological abuse than usual—one form of torture involved the jamming of small animals into the bodily orifices of Jewish prisoners. All told, more than a thousand Jews disappeared, along with several thousand dissidents, during that time period.
2. Jerry The Mouse Is A Jewish Invention
At some point in our childhood, most of us have watched at least one episode of Tom And Jerry. Although the show did have its fair share of controversies (including some politically-incorrect episodes), the lighthearted cat-and-mouse capers have remained a hugely popular (and relatively harmless) show for generations of children. Enter Iranian professor Hasan Bolkhari, who basically ruined it for every kid on the planet when he implicated Jerry as nothing more than a tool for the Jews.
In a lecture he gave in 2006, Bolkhari outlined his belief that Jews created Jerry for the purpose of changing how Europeans perceived mice. According to him, Europeans began calling the Jews “dirty mice” during the Nazi era. To counter this, the Jews created the show and have been using it ever since to flip the common perception of the “stupid” mouse. Maybe this revelation also justifies the totally insane fatwa issued by a Saudi cleric that called for the killing of not only Jerry, but Mickey Mouse as well.
1. The Jews Dominated The Slave Trade
Were the Jews responsible for New World slavery? The Nation Of Islam seems to think so. In their book, titled The Secret Relationship Between Blacks And Jews, it was the Jews who financed the operations that saw millions of African natives shipped from their homes to the Americas up until the Civil War. From the ports to the ships, the Jews were in control of everything—not only that, but they also personally owned thousands of slaves and vast plantations. Accordingly, the NOI contended that without support of the Jews, the vast slave network would have essentially collapsed on itself.
Several scholars disputed the NOI’s assertion and stated that the participation of the Jews in the slave trade was “minimal” at best. While some Jews did own slaves and engaged in the trade, their involvement paled in comparison to that of the Europeans. Also conveniently forgotten was the fact that the Jews themselves were subjected to slavery multiple times throughout their history. Conclusively, while the Jews were guilty of slavery, they were not the only ones—virtually everyone was in on this horrid practice at some point in time.
Read More: Listverse.Com
10. The Stab-In-The-Back Legend

Of course this legend was just a ruse to find a scapegoat for Germany’s impending military defeat. Although the German army remained highly organized and even occupied large swaths of enemy territory near the end of the war, they lacked enough reserves and material to defend it. Conversely, fresh American troops were reinforcing Allied lines and were in the process of retaking German-held areas. Rising casualties, a flu epidemic, and an economic blockade also added to the German woes—simply put, they were just in no shape to continue the war any further.
9. Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty Brought Diseases To Egypt

Subei attributed this to the influx of pesticides from Israel to Egypt, which he believed led to the gradual deterioration of the country’s agriculture and the current trend of diseases. To solve this dilemma, he recommended that the Egyptian government review and amend the “unfair” provisions of the treaty.
In spite of their regular anti-Semitic slurs, the Muslim Brotherhood itself isn’t immune to such conspiracies—the group itself is alleged to be an Israeli front.
8. Host Desecration

The Reformation of the 16th century alleviated the suffering of the Jews somewhat—when the Protestants denied the doctrine of transubstantiation, the whole thing became moot and academic. However, isolated cases of host-desecration accusations continued well into the 19th century—the last known incident happened in Romania in 1836.
7. The Kosher Tax Conspiracy

Unfortunately for conspiracy theorists, the truth couldn’t be any more mundane. While kosher-certified foods are indeed expensive, virtually all the profits go to the manufacturer. A small portion goes to the salaries of the kosher-accrediting organization’s members (most groups work as non-profit).
Historically speaking, a kosher tax has existed before—on the Jews themselves. Several European states imposed different variations of the kosher tax on the Jews. The Russian Empire in particular established the Box Tax—so called because the Jews had to put their money in a collection box.
6. Israel Caused 9/11

Rumors of the Israeli connection began shortly after the attacks when Middle Eastern newspapers cited a report that said some 4,000 Israelis did not go in to work at the Trade Center on that fateful day. They also pointed out the extremely low casualty rate the Israelis took in comparison to other nationalities in the attack.
In reality, the 4,000-person figure represented the number of Israelis believed to be in the vicinity of the attacks. Also in stark contrast to the low-casualty rumor was the fact that hundreds of the dead or wounded during the attack were of Jewish origins. Sadly, the figure became subverted by some Muslims who did not want to face the fact that it was Islamic terrorists who spearheaded the attack that took thousands of innocent lives.
5. Jews Keep Switzerland Neutral

As with most conspiracy theorists, Al-Ahmadi left out a few important notes, most notably the fact that Switzerland connived with the Nazis during World War II in order to remain neutral. That collaboration included harsh laws against Jewish refugees and the storage of ill-gotten Nazi loot.
4. Judeopolonia

The book sparked great paranoia against Polish Jews for several years. A similar fear rose up during the pre-World War II years with the belief in “zydokomuna,” or a Jewish-Soviet collaboration—a fear made more realistic after the Soviets fought and occupied several parts of Poland in the 1920s and ’30s.
3. The Andinia Plan

During the reign of the military junta, large numbers of Jews were often abducted and tortured because of their supposed invasion plan. As Jews, they were subjected to greater physical and psychological abuse than usual—one form of torture involved the jamming of small animals into the bodily orifices of Jewish prisoners. All told, more than a thousand Jews disappeared, along with several thousand dissidents, during that time period.
2. Jerry The Mouse Is A Jewish Invention

In a lecture he gave in 2006, Bolkhari outlined his belief that Jews created Jerry for the purpose of changing how Europeans perceived mice. According to him, Europeans began calling the Jews “dirty mice” during the Nazi era. To counter this, the Jews created the show and have been using it ever since to flip the common perception of the “stupid” mouse. Maybe this revelation also justifies the totally insane fatwa issued by a Saudi cleric that called for the killing of not only Jerry, but Mickey Mouse as well.
1. The Jews Dominated The Slave Trade
Were the Jews responsible for New World slavery? The Nation Of Islam seems to think so. In their book, titled The Secret Relationship Between Blacks And Jews, it was the Jews who financed the operations that saw millions of African natives shipped from their homes to the Americas up until the Civil War. From the ports to the ships, the Jews were in control of everything—not only that, but they also personally owned thousands of slaves and vast plantations. Accordingly, the NOI contended that without support of the Jews, the vast slave network would have essentially collapsed on itself.
Several scholars disputed the NOI’s assertion and stated that the participation of the Jews in the slave trade was “minimal” at best. While some Jews did own slaves and engaged in the trade, their involvement paled in comparison to that of the Europeans. Also conveniently forgotten was the fact that the Jews themselves were subjected to slavery multiple times throughout their history. Conclusively, while the Jews were guilty of slavery, they were not the only ones—virtually everyone was in on this horrid practice at some point in time.
Read More: Listverse.Com
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